Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Inquiry Plan

One of the final tasks for this course is to create an Inquiry Plan in which you implement something new into your classroom instruction based on the Domain you researched. My original plan was to create a project bases learning that I could implement with a unit on exponential growth. I was going to spend some time creating a project that would be used throughout the unit and would be a basis for assessment at the end of the unit. Though I thought this was a great plan, I realized that it wouldn't be possible to enact this plan within the timeframe of my graduate course.

So since that time I have been thinking of a way to implement something new in terms of assessment in my classroom. I have decided that I will make a rubric for all the questions on my next formal assessment. I am going to give this to only one of my Algebra 2 classes to see if it makes a differnce in student performance. This way students will have a clear idea of what my criteria is for grading their tests. This will be helpful since they have been problem solving with differnt types of word problems that use systems of equations for solving them. My criteria for these types of problems is pretty clear though many students forget all things required of them. I ask them to define their variables, write an equation, show their work to solve it, and answer the question that was asked in a complete sentence. Many of them think that if they just write down an answer they are fine. But I want to see how they got the answer so I know they understand what was being asked. I also like to see work so that if they made a small mistake I can give them partial credit. Lastly I like them to use complete sentences to answer the question so they get used to using correct units and reffering to what they defined the variables as.

I think that the class with the rubric will perform better because they will know the standards and make sure that they have all parts that I am looking for. Also seeing what is required may jog their memory when they are trying to solve all problems and will help them be more successful. If this assessment tool does help student achievement, then I will probably use a rubric on all further assessments.

1 comment:

  1. sometimes we have to adjust our plans. I often find that students try to think too big and get ahead of themsleves- but sometimes it is good to let them discover this for themselves. Will you module how to use the rubric to write a good answer? Have you come up with the rubric already or can you do that as a class- that might be interesting.
